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“Receptive and Ready”

How to Thrive on Developmental Input by Artell Smith and Betsy Hagan

In an era where performance is constantly under scrutiny, feedback can be the difference between inertia and momentum. “Receptive and Ready” by Artell Smith and Betsy Hagan is far from being just another self-help manual; this book is a sophisticated guide to learning the ideal and novel perspective of evaluating feedback with the remedial advice that can transform the noise that impedes growth.

Written by seasoned professionals, the book eloquently fills a critical gap in the leadership and coaching genre by concentrating on how to receive feedback in a way that motivates evolution and performance. Helpful tips are also given on how to give feedback. Using their extensive experience skillfully as feedback givers and receivers, the authors have, with precision, gifted readers and seekers with a comprehensive playbook for anyone eager to unlock their full potential by learning the power of feedback rather than being offended by it or even over-analyzing it. From engaging in difficult conversations to cultivating an openness toward continuous improvement, the lessons in “Receptive and Ready” go beyond the workplace, extending into personal growth.


Is your loved one receiving the care they deserve in assisted living or memory care?

If you’ve ever been an advocate for patients in assisted living and memory care facilities, you must have noticed all too often how well-meaning families struggle to make sure their loved ones are getting the best possible care. Facilities can be understaffed, overworked, or simply lacking the understanding of a resident’s specific needs.

That’s where Champions Needed: Unlocking the Potential of Family Advocacy in Assisted Living and Memory Care comes in. This powerful book by Artell Smith with Carol J. Purdy Miller is your ultimate guide to becoming a champion for your loved one. It will not only help you become a better leader but guide you to the path of success and glory.

In Champions Needed, you’ll learn:

  • The essential questions to ask when evaluating an assisted living or memory care facility
  • How to find your way through the often-complex world of assisted living care, including understanding resident rights and regulations
  • How to work effectively with facility staff to ensure your loved one’s needs are met
  • Proven strategies for advocating for better care, including communication tips and techniques for resolving conflict
  • How to empower yourself to become a strong and effective voice for your loved one

Champions Needed is filled with real-life stories, practical advice, and invaluable resources. It’s the holy grail you’ve been searching for to learn everything about patient advocacy.

Don’t wait until you’re facing a crisis. Take charge and become the champion your loved one needs. Because your loved one deserves high-quality care and you deserve peace of mind.


Today’s workplace is continually transforming while implementing creative strategies to stand out in a competitive world. Within organizations, managers are ideally building talented teams whose members are utilizing their strengths, doing work they enjoy, and being rewarded appropriately. Most importantly, these managers want to connect deeply and effectively with their team members to keep them engaged, productive, and fulfilled professionally.

Searching for Best Inspirational Leadership Books? Engage. Coach. Develop. Is the One to Get

In a practical guide, Artell Smith relies on his comprehensive executive experience in global human resources to provide real-life examples and proven tools that help managers tune themselves up and ultimately engage, coach, and develop a team to success. While detailing his ECD framework, Smith leads managers through a simple road map that reveals how to engineer engaging experiences, coach for amazing results through introspective questions and concrete principles, and develop employees by creating a clear plan forward that attains the best results for the employee, the team, and the organization. The book also aims to help managers develop positive communication skills to enhance their leadership qualities.

If you are looking for the best business books of all time,​ then Engage. Coach. Develop is the one for you. Engage. Coach. Develop. offers managers simple and concrete approaches to hearing, understanding, and guiding team members to utilize their best strengths to add value and make lasting professional contributions.

NO TIME TO WASTE – A Leadership Excellence Book

Each day, we go through our routines, whether at work or home, exhibiting micro-bursts of behavior. Often we give little or no thought to these micro bursts. We answer questions, request help, provide direction, offer counsel & advice, talk to family, friends & colleagues, encounter strangers, and so on. Some of our micro-behaviors hit exactly as we intend—positive, development, empathetic, and affirming. Some of our micro-behaviors stray off the mark negative, draining, uncaring, and destructive. Where do these micro-behaviors come from? How can we better control them?
No Time to Waste: A Guide to Your Micro-Behaviors is a positive communication guidebook that lays out practical strategies to help you put your best self forward, creating the right dynamic, and honoring the people around you. Learning how to calibrate your micro behaviors will result in better relationships overall, with the added benefit of driving performance in an organization setting.
You can’t afford to waste your time, or those of the people around you. Understanding and managing your micro-behaviors will be a game-changer for you. For anyone looking for the best motivational leadership books, No Time to Waste is a no brainer.